Saturday, March 23, 2013

Change Your Life. All it Takes is a Click.

Last November I went to a fireside where the guest speaker was accomplished LDS singer Hilary Weeks. I was so excited to hear her sing and speak and was pleasantly surprised with the message she shared. I'll narrow it down for you. She talked about the power of our thoughts and how they shape the way we see and live our lives.
She had heard someone say that we think over 300 negative thoughts and to see if that was true she bought a clicker and started counting, every day for one week. At the end of that week she was "discouraged, gloomy and depressed" from counting all of those discouraging, gloomy and depressing thoughts! Who could blame her?!? She wondered what would happen if she did the opposite and counted all the good thoughts she had. Would that in turn make her feel good? She tried it and found that yes, it would!
She wondered how long it would take to get to 1 billion clicks with other people on board, and that is where the Billion Clicks movement began. Hilary and her husband set up a website and business organization to which more people are joining the ranks daily, tracking and reporting how many clicks they have. The goal here is obvious: change you life, let's get to 1 billion clicks. I love the slogan:

After than initial fireside in which I heard Hilary speak, I wanted to go out the next day and start this experiment for myself, buying my own clicker. But...I didn't, although the thought stayed in my mind for quite some time. Well, I am here to say that I have officially joined the Billion Clicks movement. All it took was purchasing a clicker, signing up online and making the commitment to actively work on thinking good thoughts and tracking them. All it takes is a click.
Will you like to learn more about or join the Billion Clicks movement? Click on this link to do so, all it takes is a click : )

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