Thursday, February 7, 2013

Trust in Him

Wow, it has been a very crazy month! I have had so many experiences that have been both overwhelming and an answer to my prayers all at the same time. First off, I have been dating a young man, who I thought in the beginning, was my Mr. Right. But, as we continued to date and as I continued to get to know him, I realized that we both wanted different things. For starters, I am not sure he truly even wants to be in a relationship. I realized he was being selfish and only thinking of himself, not making me one of his top priorities. He was more concerned about his material things than he was in building a strong relationship. It was through dating him that I realized I was looking for all of the wrong things. I wanted somebody who was done with school and who I knew could provide for me. Of course I wanted someone who could make me laugh and the happiest person on Earth. Someone who would do whatever they could to spend time with me and learn and grow together in unity. But, my focus was on the wrong things. So, as I have prayed and pondered these things, an old boyfriend kept popping into my mind. Finally I called him up and asked him out to frozen yogurt. Things went incredibly well and I realized that in a year and half since dating him, I have grown through experience and have learned so much. Matthew treats me like a princess. He wants to do whatever he can to make me happy. He is incredibly easy to talk to and can make me laugh. He does whatever he can to make time for me, even in his busy life. He makes me feel special and treats me like I am the daughter of a King. He is all of the things I want in my future spouse and I know that with him, we can grow as one in unity.
Matthew only lives 8 minutes away from my work. This is such a blessing since we work completely opposite of one another on most days. I am also blessed with flexible lunches, so I head to his house to eat. We make time for one another. There is effort from both ends and this is the way a relationship is supposed to work. We both want to make the time and we DO make the time to see each other as often as we can! I am just lucky that he is still around after a year and a half!

I am so grateful for the hard things in life that make us stronger, the challenges that make us better people. I am grateful for my Heavenly Father and the knowledge I have that I can go to Him in time of need. He guides and directs me and knows the experiences I must have in order to understand things of the future. I am so happy now and I know that things will work out.

"But the Lord knoweth all things from the beginning; wherefore, he prepareth a way to accomplish all his works among the children of men; for behold he hath all power unto the fulfilling of all his words. And thus it is. Amen" (1Nephi 9:6)

Learn from the HARD things in life and move forward a STRONGER person with a GOOD attitude! 

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