I first heard of Elder Jeffrey R. Holland's address "Lessons from Liberty Jail" when it was in the Ensign a few years ago. It was the balm that my troubled soul needed, really the perspective the Lord knew I needed that I hadn't received until that point. I'd had a hard time accepting messages from the scriptures, the brethren and loved ones that "bad things happen to good people", "You aren't living wrong and being punished with problems," and that "All these things shall work together for your good". I hated hearing things like that because I couldn't believe them, no matter how hard I tried. I saw in hindsight that it's not that I couldn't, but rather wouldn't believe, my heart and mind were not ready for that quite yet. The Spirit didn't have easy access to my heart because it was so hardened.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
"Lessons from Liberty Jail"
Sunday, February 17, 2013
For Good
I have been thinking a lot the past couple of weeks about what good I'm doing here in this life right now. I want to help others in this life, and be an influence for good, not for myself, but for the benefit of others. That is the purpose of this blog, one that Sarah and I consider a sacred obligation the Lord has entrusted to us. But I have been questioning if I am actually being an influence for good, one that can be felt and is in turn helping others. I don't do it for recognition or applause, but to spread the love of God to others. Sometimes I think we all have ambitions to do great things that will have an effect on a very grand scale. Think Mother Teresa or Gandhi. We want to change the world, instead of just affecting those in our social circle or city. We feel useless when we compare our efforts and abilities to those who are well known the world over for their good deeds.
It is at these times I have to remember the scripture, "And thus we see that by small and simple means the Lord can bring about great things." 1 Nephi 16:29
Mother Teresa said "We can not all do great things. But we can do small things with great love." I believe that the small and simple things we do with great love do influence others, and that one good thing will trickle down from one person to another to another, creating a ripple effect that will influence thousands to millions of people. We may not see the fruits of our labors, but that does not mean that they aren't there.
I have thought about the song "For Good" from the play "Wicked" when it comes to this, especially because of some circumstances that occurred in my life the past 6 months. The experience I speak of is personal and I will not go into great detail here, but I know I cannot express myself more adequately unless I explain some. But first, in order to do so, here are the lyrics to "For Good" and a link so you can listen to it for yourself:
I've heard it said,
That people come into our lives
For a reason
Bringing something we must learn.
And we are lead to those
Who help us most to grow if we let them.
And we help them in return.
Well, I don't know if I believe that's true
But I know I'm who I am today
Because I knew you.
Like a comet pulled from orbit
As it passes a sun,
Like a stream that meets a boulder
Halfway through the wood.
Who can say if I've been changed for the better
But because I knew you.
I have been changed for good.
It well may be
That we will never meet again
In this lifetime.
So, let me say before we part:
So much of me
Is made of what I learned from you.
You'll be with me
Like a handprint on my heart.
And now whatever way our stories end
I know you'll have rewritten mine
By being my friend.
Like a ship blown from its mooring
By a wind off the sea.
Like a seed dropped by a sky bird
In a distant wood.
Who can say if I've been changed for the better
But because I knew you...
Because I knew you...
I have been changed for good.
And just to clear the air
I ask forgiveness
For the things I've done,
You blamed me for.
But then,
I guess,
We know there's blame to share.
And none of it seems to matter anymore.
Like a comet pulled from orbit
(Like a ship blown from its mooring)
As it passes a sun.
(By a wind off the sea)
Like a stream that meets a boulder
(Like a seed dropped by bird)
Halfway through the wood.
(In the wood)
Who can say if I've been changed for the better.
I do believe I have been changed for the better.
And because I knew you...
Because I knew you...
Because I knew you
I have been changed...
For good.
I felt a very strong pull towards this person in a way I can only describe as unexplainable and know that it came from Heavenly Father. This person was going through a hard time and didn't feel like a good person. I never doubted this person's goodness, not once. As a matter of fact, I knew they were extremely good because I had a significant experience early on in which the Lord told me that this person was good. I don't take that word lightly. Good was everything. I saw this persons divine potential more I think than they did, more than I have ever seen anyone else's.
This person said I was helping them "get back onto the straight and narrow." I believed more than I ever have in my life that I was in someones life for a specific purpose. I never viewed them as a "project" or someone that I was trying to change. Everything I did and was was because I cared about them. All I did was be myself.
A few weeks ago my relationship with this person came to a close, which has been very hard but there in no bitterness in it. As it did come to a close, the pull I felt towards this person disappeared as quickly as it had come. As I have been trying to come to terms with what happened and why, I have come to some conclusions. Like the song says, I believe that both this person and I came into each other's lives for a reason, that we were lead to each other and both grew in return. It well may be that we will never meet again in this lifetime, but part of me is made from what I learned from them, and I think they would say the same.
It was only after my bishop, Bishop Newton, talked today in church about our ability to influence for good that I felt completely at peace with the situation with the friend I talked about above. He said that we may never know the influence we have for good, but that doesn't mean in isn't there. When we see the divine potential in others around us, we can help then rise to that potential. He suggested we think of when we are standing before the Lord in judgement and he opens in a vision of what influence we had on others throughout our lifetime. Imagine what we will learn of what really happened because of the "small things with great love" that we did.
I am eternally grateful that I had opportunity to have been changed for good.
You are never alone
Let's face it, life is hard. Tough. Sometimes outright brutal. It is during those hard times that we often feel God has abandoned us, that He doesn't seem to care that we are suffering, sometimes mercilessly. We feel small and insignificant to Him, a father with an infinite number of children. He has so many, how can He really be paying attention to me?
I testify to you that He does know each of us, individually. He loves you unconditionally, and He cares about what you are going through more than you can even imagine. I know this because I have seen and felt his hand in my own life, especially during the challenging times. Those of you who know me well know that I have lived with chronic pain for 12 years, a daily trial that never sees relief. To say that it has been H-E-double-hockey-sticks is a gross understatement. I admit that I went through times when I didn't think Heavenly Father was there or that He cared for me at all, that I was completely alone. I was angry, depressed, and about as bitter as someone could be. But through some turning points and opening my heart to Him, I recognized that He had been with me all along, in every single detail of the long, hard road called my life. There are still times where I feel down but I do not doubt that God knows me and has not left me comfortless. He is always there for me.
I read an article on the Deseret News website about Al Fox, a young woman who converted to the LDS church in 2009. She has since started her own blog and produces videos that share her testimony. I want to share with you today a video of hers that expresses some of what I feel in my heart about us never being alone. I hope you enjoy it and that is speaks to your heart too. Thank you, Al Fox...
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Unhappy? Release Your Inner Child and Play
Look at the pictures above. Do you remember what life was like as a child when you hardly had any worries or concerns, heartbreak lasted only a few hours, you could run around all day long like the energizer bunny, and the cold and snow didn't bother you because you were playing in it with your best friends? When life seemed simpler and so care free? When you couldn't wait to grow up and be the best teacher, firefighter or actor there has ever been? When you felt like the best days were ahead or you as a "big person"?
It was a night of total joy that left us refreshed and simply happy :)
And last weekend I got to play with my Grant family at our annual winter party at my uncle's cabin...snowmobiling baby!!!!! I LOVE snowmobiling!!! I was so excited to get out of the smoggy valley and into the crisp mountain air and zip around in a wide open field at 50-60 miles an hour on one of the greatest machines ever made. In our family we don't just ride snowmobiles, we catch Frisbees and footballs, pull tubes and do, as the men call it, "Time trials" to beat the clock from one end of the field to the other. The exhilaration you feel slicing through open powder can only be compared, in book, to galloping on a horse. Oh the FREEDOM!!!
So while life goes on the daily grind grinds you down, take the time to play. Plop into the snow and make a snow angel, dance in the rain, sing aloud to your favorite song with your windows down in the car, play with a nephew or niece, take a day trip, watch a Disney movie or whatever it is that makes you feel joy the way you did when you were young. God wants you to be productive and successful, but above all He wants you to be happy. So go ahead, release your inner child. If anyone has a problem with that, tell them Robyn says it's okay :)
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Trust in Him
Wow, it has been a very crazy month! I have had so many experiences that have been both overwhelming and an answer to my prayers all at the same time. First off, I have been dating a young man, who I thought in the beginning, was my Mr. Right. But, as we continued to date and as I continued to get to know him, I realized that we both wanted different things. For starters, I am not sure he truly even wants to be in a relationship. I realized he was being selfish and only thinking of himself, not making me one of his top priorities. He was more concerned about his material things than he was in building a strong relationship. It was through dating him that I realized I was looking for all of the wrong things. I wanted somebody who was done with school and who I knew could provide for me. Of course I wanted someone who could make me laugh and the happiest person on Earth. Someone who would do whatever they could to spend time with me and learn and grow together in unity. But, my focus was on the wrong things. So, as I have prayed and pondered these things, an old boyfriend kept popping into my mind. Finally I called him up and asked him out to frozen yogurt. Things went incredibly well and I realized that in a year and half since dating him, I have grown through experience and have learned so much. Matthew treats me like a princess. He wants to do whatever he can to make me happy. He is incredibly easy to talk to and can make me laugh. He does whatever he can to make time for me, even in his busy life. He makes me feel special and treats me like I am the daughter of a King. He is all of the things I want in my future spouse and I know that with him, we can grow as one in unity.
Matthew only lives 8 minutes away from my work. This is such a blessing since we work completely opposite of one another on most days. I am also blessed with flexible lunches, so I head to his house to eat. We make time for one another. There is effort from both ends and this is the way a relationship is supposed to work. We both want to make the time and we DO make the time to see each other as often as we can! I am just lucky that he is still around after a year and a half!
I am so grateful for the hard things in life that make us stronger, the challenges that make us better people. I am grateful for my Heavenly Father and the knowledge I have that I can go to Him in time of need. He guides and directs me and knows the experiences I must have in order to understand things of the future. I am so happy now and I know that things will work out.
"But the Lord knoweth all things from the beginning; wherefore, he prepareth a way to accomplish all his works among the children of men; for behold he hath all power unto the fulfilling of all his words. And thus it is. Amen" (1Nephi 9:6)
Monday, February 4, 2013
Book Review: Making Sense of Suffering
Here's our first Book of the Month Review! This month's book: Making Sense of Suffering, by Wayne E. Brickey. I LOVE this book!!!
My grandmother gave this book to my mom and our family after my grandfather passed away as a gesture of thanks and consolation. Little did she or we know that she'd given us a gift to help us mourn her own death when she passed away from cancer only three months later. Just thinking about that time makes me tear, it was very, very H.A.R.D. HARD.
I didn't start read Making Sense of Suffering until a couple of months ago. Brickey organizes his book into four main sections: The Gift of Growth, Endure it Well, Beneath Watchful Eyes and God Shall Exalt Thee. Each section has several chapters, only a few pages long, which are little vignettes that can be read and taken alone. I really liked this format because I could read one or more sections a day that I was pulled towards and could skip from one to another as I pleased. It just so happened that I started reading the book when some particular events were happening in my life that I needed a lot of perspective on. Making Sense of Suffering far fulfilled every need I had for insight in chapters that I wouldn't have expected. Each of these chapters are truly jewels for the heart and mind.
Here are a few gems Brickey offers in his book: